Our Story
first of all, we are a group of people driven by a huge passion for sports and outdoor activities – fitness, cycling, running, downhill, ski, snow– and wakeboarding, windsurfing, bmx, trial, motocross, hockey, tennis, football, etc., etc., etc. – you name it.
besides that, we were also the first to grew up in a new world of video games and consoles. from the
atari and c64 days to the PSPs and Xboxes – enjoying and competing, and soon to realize that screen time is mainly nothing but a waste of time.

behind the scenes: how "reality beats fiction by far" was born
that's about the time the phrase REALITY BEATS FICTION BY FARcame to live. 2002 in Utah with the Marlboro Adventure Team where thomas, our co-founder, was trying to explain his love for adventurous sports to a journalist. there, sitting at a camp fire site, he told him that real experiences just always outplay just dreaming or talking about them: “mate, it is very simple – reality beats fiction by far!”
a state of mind
a simple line that became the mantra of the whole trip – and a full-blown state of mind. from there on, we made it a statement everywhere we went: doing it is far better than just watching it. and we more than ever feel the responsibility for this generation to keep that spirit alive – and kicking! so here we are – to remind people about what RBFBF is all about: a life that is made to be lived.

we love sports
our founders Katja and Thomas are / have been ambitious amateur athletes and fans of different sport disciplines such as motocross, enduro, rallye, wakeboarding cross-country / downhill mountain bike, surfing, running and fitness.
they try to pass on this lifestyle to their children and also help others to keep the spirit and joy of sports alive with friends. everyone who engages in sports should be proud of it, show it, and express this way of life.